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English Language Set -524

Here we are providing new series of English Language Questions for upcoming exams, so the aspirants can practice it on a daily basis.

In the below question a sentence is given with four words bold. One or more than one of the words is either misspelt or incorrect in terms of the usage. Mark that

word/words as your answer.

1) We cannot afford to wait centuries for men to fully engage as accomplices and advocate in achieving full gender parity in the workplace, especially at a time when our economic recovery depends on the equitable inclusion of employees.

A.afford, equitable

B.engage, equitable



E.All are correct words

2) India had suspended all passenger flights connecting the two countries from December 23 to January 7 as a new variant of coronavirus emerged in the UK.


B.connecting, variant

C.emerged, variant


E.All are correct words

3) Depending on its location, a neuron can perform the job of a sensory neuron, a motor neuron, or an interneuron, sending and recieving specific neurotransmitters.

A.Depending,  perform


C.perform, recieving


E.All are correct words

4) Without income from tourists, and with the cost of food rising because of the pandemic, many local communities have little choice but to hunt bushmeat, a practise that was banned when the Rwenzori Mountains were designed a national park in 1991.

A.hunt , practise, designed

B.choice, designed

C.practise, designed


E.All are correct words

5) Behind Hunwick, the path we’d been following for the last four days abruptly ended and two dozen men and women were slashing the undergrowth to forage a way through.

A.path, abruptly

B.forage, slashing



E.All are correct words

Answers :

1) Answer: D

We cannot afford to wait centuries for men to fully engage as accomplices and advocates in achieving full gender parity in the workplace, especially at a time when our economic recovery depends on the equitable inclusion of employees.

To maintain Parnellism advocates should be used in place of advocate

“accomplices and advocates”

2) Answer: E

All are correct words

India had suspended all passenger flights connecting the two countries from December 23 to January 7 as a new variant of coronavirus emerged in the UK.

3) Answer: D

recieving is misspelt.

Correct spelling is “receiving”

Depending on its location, a neuron can perform the job of a sensory neuron, a motor neuron, or an interneuron, sending and receiving specific neurotransmitters.

4) Answer: C

Without income from tourists, and with the cost of food rising because of the pandemic, many local communities have little choice but to hunt bushmeat, a practice that was banned when the Rwenzori Mountains were designated a national park in 1991.

'practise' is the verb and 'practice' is the noun.

We need ‘designed a noun there. Hence “'practise'” is incorrect.

Usage of “designed” doesn’t work contextually.

Designated - officially give a specified status or name to

5) Answer: D

Forage is wrong usage.

Forage - search widely for food or provisions It doesn’t fit contextually.

Behind Hunwick, the path we’d been following for the last four days abruptly ended and two dozen men and women were slashing the undergrowth to forge a way through.

forge - To proceed with something ; create (something) strong
